
self degradation

Ok so yesterday while i was running on the treadmill at work i had an epiphany. My ipod died on my way to work and since I'd rather run barefoot down a gravel road than watch The View i just turned the tv off and  let my mind wander. THATS RIGHT. I was thinking while I was running. Someone probably should have taken a picture because I'm sure it will never happen again. Anyways, so while on the treadmill with no alternate sound blaring in my hears i realized just how LOUD I was. And then i started thinking...
While I'm listening to Beyonce, Brittney, and Shakira
I feel like this:

But in reality, I probably actually look..
like this:

and so I've come up with
Gym Rule #23:
no matter how motivated or sexy you feel, please consider your appearance, if not for your own dignity, at least out of politeness for others.
and under no circumstances is it okay to breathe like actual swine that have acquired the flu.

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