
pics and plans!

What a terrible blogger! Its been 8 days! But so much has gone on in the past week, so I'm just going to show you through pictures! This is my sister and I on the way to the lake for Thanksgiving.
I'm kind of deer in headlights in this picture which I've decided is not a good look for me:

And here are the dogs in the car. They are cuddling for pretty much the first time ever. In reality they are probably holding on to each other and praying for dear life due to my driving skills:
Between Thanksgiving and now I somehow managed to make it through finals without having a meltdown. And then we started hardcore planning for my roommates wedding, which was last weekend.  I was super busy the whole time and didn't take many pics, but here are madaline (bride, on the right) and dani (bridesmaid) at the rehersal dinner:

I also put up my christmas decorations while I was procrastinating during finals week.
Here is my Christmas tree! It has raffia, gold and turquiose balls, gold stars, brown and blue wicker balls,  gold reindeer,  brown jingle bells hung on twine, gold spiral stick things and a big gold shiny star topper!

I made my tree skirt out of some lazy boy fabric furniture that I have no idea where came from. Its been behind the door in my guest bedroom for a looong time and i keep trying to come up with projects to use it all. The other day i discovered that its machine washable, so I might make a dog bed cover out of it!
I put a little garland and christmas lights across the fireplace mantle and put up my stockings. I suppose this year they will be dedicated to each dog. Otherwise they would just be for decorative purposes. (how ugly are those tv cords running down the wall?! its my pet peeve that i dont know how to fix! drives me insane.)

And i also set out the decorations that my dad gave me for as a christmas present last year. I absolutely love them. They are "Jim Shore" and they are so colorful and have so much personality!
Santa and reindeer:

Snowman and snowman snow globe (i award this one the repetitive redundant name award):

Now that I'm on christmas break and my roommate is moving out (on Saturday) I'm living by myself again, so I'm planning lots of projects. I started cleaning out the guest bedroom this week, and I'm going to redo the office and my bedroom. I'm also thinking of painting my bathroom, but I've been too afraid to do that for the entire two years I've lived here, so we'll see what happens!
The weather here has gotten drastically colder, so I haven't been running outside and I can REALLY tell.  I have been cross training on the elliptical (only two hours a week tho!), but I've just got to go buy some outdoor running clothes so i can get back out there. For my new years resolution next year I'm trying to come up with a mileage goal for the whole year, but I'll talk more about that next time!!!

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