
Breck, in pictures!

We flew out of the Memphis Airport into Denver and from there drove the two hours to Breckenridge. I had just driven this in March, but its still so exciting when you're first entering all the mountains. It was pretty sunny the whole time we were there, so I got some decent pics of the scenery.

Mom and Sara at Coppetop, a resturaunt/bar, where we spent the majority of our time when not on the mountain.

Waiting in line for the lift. This was the first year we've ever gone the week after christmas, and it will probably be the last. I had never seen lines this long in my life! And Sara's hat. It was too adorable and if I could get away with wearing bunny ears on any day aside from halloween, i'd wear them every single day of my life.

This was the view from our room. We were on the inside, facing town instead of the mountain, but it wasnt too bad, because there was always something going on pretty much anywhere you looked.

They had this in the cafe one morning and I HAD to get a picture. Now thats my kinda coffee pot. This poor man didnt speak english and thought we wanted to take his picture and smiled so big.

Mom and I on New Years Eve. I hung out with the oldies for a bit, and then went upstairs to the more "dancy" party and made some friends a little closer to my age.

But met these guys on my way up:

My new years shirt adds about 70 pounds in every picture, so naturally, i burned it when i got home. But this picture was just way too good to delete. The dj at the downstairs party set off the fire alarms with his fog machine (um yeah, he was that cool..not), so the fire department came. And by fire department, i mean every greek adonis known to man kind. The girls in the bar were actually screaming "take it off!" .. which the fire marshall didnt find very funny. And i don't know why i wore that hat in the picture. Poor assessment on my part.

Anyways, this was a really awesome trip. I was so excited because I snowboarded my first black. I had skiied one before (ski: slide down the mountain on your butt with entirely too many accessories awkwardly hanging from your body, causing you to jam, twist or sprain something every 10 feet), but I enjoy snowboarding alot more, so I'll more than likely never touch a ski again.

Headed to the gym. Next blog:
-new years resolution
-possible surprise trip this weekend?

1 comment:

Madaline said...

ummm where are you going?!