Don't get me wrong, I'm all about Chinese medicine and holistic healing, but I'm going to need some education on that one. So in the meantime I am very thankful for my dogs waking up to hang out with me. It seems whatever wakes me up is waking them up too.
During Duke's belly rub yesterday I noticed he was starting to acquire dog/man/boobs of a sort.
(who would've ever guessed such an active individual could acquire belly fat?)
So early Duke and I set off this morning around 5:30. If we leave at this time we get to watch the sunrise on our way back, which makes being up that early totally worth it. While trotting thru one of the surrounding neighborhoods a ROOSTER CROWED. Let me let you in on a little secret about me: I am terrified, TERRIFIED of birds. I won't get into this now, but just understand.. if it came between touching a bird or spider, I might actually hug the spider. So mid stride I have a slight panic attack and Duke may or may have not shadoopied in his pupperoos. I have to ask myself.. WHO in their right mind has a rooster in the middle of an extremely condensed neighborhood? Poor neighbors. My heart goes out to them. If any of my neighbors decide to invest in poultry of any type, we will be having a lovely chat. So I leave you this morning, thankful for my dogs to keep my company thru my insomnia and that my neighbors don't have any mcnuggets running around their back yards.. what are you thankful for today?
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