
Counting Down!

3 Days until family Christmas at my cousins house!
4 Days until I get to see my best friend Laura who is coming back to Arkansas to visit!
8 Days until Christmas!
(can you tell which one im the most excited about? No offense Laura, haha)
Here i am in Aspen last year in my "murdered out" ski outfit. White Girl Thug Life 4eva!.. ok sorry..
i wont do that anymore..

I am beyond ready to hit the slopes again. I have been working out so hard this year and I am anxious to see how much easier snowboarding will be with these buns of steel (and by steel, i mean sugar encrusted marshmallows). So my goals until then are :

  1. run as much as possible and pray this helps acclimate me to the altitude change
  2. not ruin my diet by eating everything in the 50 mile radius on christmas day
  3. come up with the most awesome snowboarding playlist EVER 
  4. go on a quest to find my ski clothes that are more than likely being inhabited by hobbits in the underworld of my closet
  5. begin anabolic steroids in order to be able to pick up my suitcase while en route
  6. acquire the perfect airline outfit (i think its very important to be that highly fashionable, mysterious girl on the plane that everyone secretly hopes to sit by. i know i put entirely too much thought into this, and I'm okay with that. )
But in the meantime, I'm attempting to get my entire house completely organized and clean, so that when i return home on the 1st I can start the year off right. The only problem with this is I've had this entire week by myself while my roommate was on her honeymoon and so far all i've done is put up a shelf. What happened to the time?! So now I have tomorrow afternoon to do the entire thing. Typical me. At least I'll get some good cardio out of the whole ordeal! But while I spent an entire week doing nothing, I ordered these prints to put on the shelf above my bed (so HA! there's one project finished):

My New Years Resolution:
I don't usually do the whole "resolution thing", but this year I have a real concrete goal that I am going to complete. I've talked to several runners lately and tried to come up with a good distance to run in one year. It seems the most popular is 1000 miles. When i first heard this I was absolutely ready to run.. in the opposite direction. But I started doing the math, and its just over two miles a day. Considering I usually do at least 3 during each run, I really think I can do this. I had my evaluation with my boss this morning and he was an excellent motivator. He's part of the Ridge Rider Athletic Club and has lots of experience. He also works over cardiac rehab, so I will have someone to crawl to when I am at my wits end. I'm going to tell all of my students, friends, and family in an effort to gain motivation from anywhere possible. And of course my biggest motivators are my dogs, because they will more than likely tear my house apart without their daily exercise! And of course once I get my garmin watch I will want to put it to good use, so I'm really excited about that!
But right now i'm really excited about going to sleep!


pics and plans!

What a terrible blogger! Its been 8 days! But so much has gone on in the past week, so I'm just going to show you through pictures! This is my sister and I on the way to the lake for Thanksgiving.
I'm kind of deer in headlights in this picture which I've decided is not a good look for me:

And here are the dogs in the car. They are cuddling for pretty much the first time ever. In reality they are probably holding on to each other and praying for dear life due to my driving skills:
Between Thanksgiving and now I somehow managed to make it through finals without having a meltdown. And then we started hardcore planning for my roommates wedding, which was last weekend.  I was super busy the whole time and didn't take many pics, but here are madaline (bride, on the right) and dani (bridesmaid) at the rehersal dinner:

I also put up my christmas decorations while I was procrastinating during finals week.
Here is my Christmas tree! It has raffia, gold and turquiose balls, gold stars, brown and blue wicker balls,  gold reindeer,  brown jingle bells hung on twine, gold spiral stick things and a big gold shiny star topper!

I made my tree skirt out of some lazy boy fabric furniture that I have no idea where came from. Its been behind the door in my guest bedroom for a looong time and i keep trying to come up with projects to use it all. The other day i discovered that its machine washable, so I might make a dog bed cover out of it!
I put a little garland and christmas lights across the fireplace mantle and put up my stockings. I suppose this year they will be dedicated to each dog. Otherwise they would just be for decorative purposes. (how ugly are those tv cords running down the wall?! its my pet peeve that i dont know how to fix! drives me insane.)

And i also set out the decorations that my dad gave me for as a christmas present last year. I absolutely love them. They are "Jim Shore" and they are so colorful and have so much personality!
Santa and reindeer:

Snowman and snowman snow globe (i award this one the repetitive redundant name award):

Now that I'm on christmas break and my roommate is moving out (on Saturday) I'm living by myself again, so I'm planning lots of projects. I started cleaning out the guest bedroom this week, and I'm going to redo the office and my bedroom. I'm also thinking of painting my bathroom, but I've been too afraid to do that for the entire two years I've lived here, so we'll see what happens!
The weather here has gotten drastically colder, so I haven't been running outside and I can REALLY tell.  I have been cross training on the elliptical (only two hours a week tho!), but I've just got to go buy some outdoor running clothes so i can get back out there. For my new years resolution next year I'm trying to come up with a mileage goal for the whole year, but I'll talk more about that next time!!!


Finally finals are over!

Finished my last final exam today! Will blog again soon, have lots of updates to share! Until then, I'll leave you with a quote:
“Success isn't how far you got, but the distance you traveled from where you started.”


za's and goodies!

So its been a really long time since I've had time to cook anything, and I really didn't have time tonight,  but I've been craving pizza so bad. With the wedding coming up and my workout kicked into high gear, my conscience just wouldn't be able to make it so I decided to make a veggie pizza:

Usually I make it on a big flat pizza pan but this time I did it in a small round pan and made a deep dish. It was sooo good. One of my favorite things to do when I make pizza is to put cornmeal on the bottom of the crust. I don't know why you do this, but I think its fantastic. I put so many veggies (mushrooms, black olives, onions, green red and yellow bell peppers) on it that just one slice filled me up. But i also had some roasted garlic hummus on wasa crackers while i was making it.
I also received the most thoughtful gift yesterday for absolutely no reason from the sweetest boy! He got me a new coffee cup and a HUGE candy bar!

Yes, its a little contradictory because I drink the coffee to help me work out and the chocolate will completely undo my workout.. but thats kind of how I do things anyways. I love getting presents for no reason! I think they're better than getting them on your birthday or Christmas.
Awww... look at how sweet my boys we're being while they were waiting on their dinner tonight:

Duke was using Apollo's rear as a pillow. This is so amazing because this is the first time they've ever looked like they purposely wanted to be close to each other. Please pay no attention to the upside down light plugged into the wall behind them. I'm sure it got turned around during a game of "Duck Duck jump on the couch, run in circles, lets Goose Hillary in the butt while shes not looking".
I have to take a moment to do a bit of advertising. I've been giving Duke antibiotics for the past few weeks in an attempt to clear up a skin condition he came home from the the kennel with. I started out giving him half a piece of cheese, with the pills rolled up inside, but he kept picking the pills out and just eating the cheese. When I went to an equine/pet supply store in Mountain Home over the thanksgiving holiday I found these:

They're moldable dog treats with a hole in the center to put the pills in. I think this is just too cool. And a lot nicer than prying open their mouth and shoving the pill down the hatch and praying it makes it. I think the bag was about $7 dollars and comes with 30.
Ok I'm going to study for my next to last final.
(which probably means watching the shows I missed last week on Hulu until I fall asleep).

procrastination at its best..

I absolutely don't have time to be blogging right now. I am exactly halfway between finals and have to be at work in 45 minutes, but I would much rather do this than anything else on my list. We have nine days until my roomies wedding so I have kicked my work out up a notch. Along with my running schedule I'm trying soo hard to stay faithful to, I've been cross training and doing free weights at work. I just don't feel like the elliptical is equivalent to a good long run though. And we are also doing boot camp. I actually thought I might die in class last tuesday after cross training right before. And I decided its time for new workout clothes, since the shirt I wore was literally falling apart. I almost considered putting my sweater back on, but I would've had a heat stroke, and I'm still trying not to sweat in my new north face fleece. :) If anyone knows where to get cute workout clothes online, I'm totally up for suggestions. I'm also curious about how to transform my running attire from 70 degree to 40 degree weather. It is absolutely freezing outside when the sun goes down! ONLY 22 MORE DAYS UNTIL I GET MY GARMIN! I am absolutely ecstatic about it. I feel like running just isn't good enough until I get it. Haha. Anyways, I'm off to work. Hope everyone has a lovely thursday!



Hello! I hope everyone had a happy turkey day! I didn't have internet at the lake house and completely forgot to even bring my computer, so I have been totally out of the loop. However, yesterday I bought new running shoes! (No, I did not go shopping on black friday. After working one at Old Navy a few years back, I vowed to never again take part in that tradition. I also don't believe in saving money, by spending money. So just count me out.) Anyways back to the NEW SHOES! I finally found some all black ones that I liked, and so I took the plunge:

They are Nike Reax Run IV and Im hoping they give me super powers! I've never actually ran in real "running shoes" so I'm excited to try these out. I have a good feeling I'll probably be eating pavement for lunch...
While I was at the store they announced they were having a buy one, get one half off sale, so of course I had to buy another pair. (I know I previously stated I didn't believe in "saving money by spending money", but my goal here really wasn't to save money, I just needed a legitimate excuse to leave the store with more than one pair of shoes. So it all works out, right?) Anyways, thats when I found these guys:

O. M. G.
I know. I don't skateboard anymore. I'm justifying these by saying that I will be in the X games in my next life. Also, I wakeboard and snowboard (26 days til Breckenridge!!!) so that makes it not so bad, right? No? Well, I'm considering busting out the skateboard (yes, its still in my garage) and showing up the little punks down the street. And by showing up I mean attempting to ollie and just praying I land in  someone's yard when i fall.
I'm off to work
 Todays workout:

(still doing this whole PR program, just counting the days til its over)
1.75 m run
30 min XT
free weights- arms
medicine ball core
boot camp w/ the bride


Today's Run = Complete Embarassment
No Really. 
I don't know why i even tried.
Can someone please explain to me how i managed to get sunburnt in the middle of November?
I completely blame Al Gore and his global warming. 
Also the wind was blowing pretty hard and that always adds a few degrees of difficulty anyways.
I cut today's workout short to three miles because I beautifully ran 5 miles at the gym the other day and then rolled my ankle walking across the parking lot to my car. (?!) I thought it was alright, but started giving me a little trouble, so due to that and the melanoma kicking in, I decided to just call it quits. But I've decided to start working on some PR's and hopefully if i get my Garmin Forerunner 405 for Christmas:

I can actually put it to good use. So I got online and found myself a generic 8-week 5k running schedule and am going to start working on my times as well as my distance. Sounds redundantly challenging.
Along with that I will be studying like a mad scientist for the next two weeks, because fall break started friday and finals begin (for me) the day we go back. I bought 600 index cards yesterday! So while I go copy the entire dictionary onto 3x5 cards, I'll leave you with a quote:

*Running is the greatest metaphor for life, because you get out of it what you put into it.* 
-Oprah Winfrey

self degradation

Ok so yesterday while i was running on the treadmill at work i had an epiphany. My ipod died on my way to work and since I'd rather run barefoot down a gravel road than watch The View i just turned the tv off and  let my mind wander. THATS RIGHT. I was thinking while I was running. Someone probably should have taken a picture because I'm sure it will never happen again. Anyways, so while on the treadmill with no alternate sound blaring in my hears i realized just how LOUD I was. And then i started thinking...
While I'm listening to Beyonce, Brittney, and Shakira
I feel like this:

But in reality, I probably actually look..
like this:

and so I've come up with
Gym Rule #23:
no matter how motivated or sexy you feel, please consider your appearance, if not for your own dignity, at least out of politeness for others.
and under no circumstances is it okay to breathe like actual swine that have acquired the flu.


pooches, parties, and showers. oh my!

Yay! I'm finally back from my blogging sabbatical and have much to report! Last weekend we went to Little Rock for the long awaited bachelorette party and had an amazing time! Thanks so much to all the girls that went and celebrated this exciting time with Madaline!

That night we saw Dane Cook at the Verizon Arena in Little Rock, and then went out to a couple of places on River Market.
Madaline primping in her vail and sash:

We got a suite at our hotel which actually turned out really nice, considering we had so many girls there before we went out.
The next day we went to Novah Natural Therapy Clinic which was absolutely fantastic. I got my first facial and the lady did miracles. I woke up that morning with FIVE pimples (i assume this is due to a night out and then falling asleep on my H1N1 infested bar hand) and she got rid of all of them. Not to mention, I fell asleep three times in the hour and fifteen minutes i was there. The other girls got massages and I do believe they were pretty impressed as well.
Dani and I, spa bound!
(it is unclear to me why my head appears so large in this picture)

On Sunday we went to our hometown for a Holiday Gift Wedding Shower for Mad. The lady that did the cake was very creative, considering the theme was hard to contain with one design. I thought it turned out pretty cute:

Mad and I at the shower:

She got alot of really cute gifts including a prelit chrismas tree! I am so excited for her!
On Tuesday night Apollo ran (and by ran i mean attempted to sniff the tail of the lady dog two feet in front of him while paralyzing his esophagus for an extended period of time and breathing like an asthmatic pug) his very first race. He wore an elf had that had little ears on it. I KNOW. I'm becoming one of THOSE dog owners.. you dont have to tell me. I promise not to put anymore clothes on him at least until his birthday.... If i can resist. I didn't break any records for myself in this race, it actually felt more like a warm up for me, but I think he really had a good time. Except for the elf hat:

I also got my hair cut, but I refuse to post any pictures until I wash it. So you've still got a good three days of anticipation. Just kidding! ... not really tho..

OH! And yesterday I went and got our new doggie! Duke traveled long and far across the swampy marshlands of northeast arkansas to finally arrive at his forever home. Despite him marking EVERYTHING
in the back yard, I think things are going pretty good. Aside from Apollo's sexual orientation. Don't get me wrong, I had my expectations when I got a dog that required more hair products than me, and I will love and support him no matter what he decides to mount, but at this point Duke probably thinks he's been sent to a doggie casting for GLEE!
But I decided I'm going to let them battle that one out on their own.
I'll post new pics soon, as for now I'm off to work.
Todays workout:
-3 m treadmill
-2 m ellitical 
-medicine ball core workout
-6:30 bootcamp


Bachelorette Weekend!

We're going to Little Rock this weekend for my roomie's bachelorette weekend. Tonight we're seeing Dane Cook:

I find him moderately funny, but I don't suppose that matters because when I look at him i'm so in awe I tend to lose all other senses anyways. Then tomorrow is SPA DAY!! So excited! I will post pics when we get back! Happy Friday the 13th!


tonight's epic fail

3m treadmill run: good
 5m run in nature: great
 20 min full out sprint to catch runaway dog and carry his 54 lbs over 1/4m home: priceless

forgetting to close the gate and letting him out to pee so that i can do it all over again: 
i'm a complete idiot!

however, heres a short clip of my house on a typical night. and the reason I don't buy breakable things anymore:


oh my dog!

Today Apollo and I went to pick out our new addition! Since my roomie (stalk her here) is getting married in one month and one day and taking her sweet boxer with her when she moves, I decided we needed another mess maker in the house. Here is the dog we decided on:

His name is Duke and he is a 2 year old greyhound. His original racing name was "Big Bad Monday" but he retired early due to a broken tarsal (foot bone). I wanted to adopt a retired greyhound for many reasons:
1. I wanted another dog to run with since Apollo always poops out on me after only a mile or so of me dragging him down the street
2. I (am completely obsessed with) love the body shape of a sight hound. When a creature so naturally skinny is sitting next to me as I devour a bag of cheetos, I cant help but be motivated to put down the bag and slowly back away.
3. I've done my good deed for the year. Seriously, don't ask for any more favors, im finished.
4. I enjoy spending $40+ dollars a month on food I would never even consider eating eating.
5. I never actually wanted to sleep in my own bed anyways. The couch works fine for me.
6. I enjoy waking up to whines and beady eyes at 5 in the morning so someone can "go potty outside".
(just for the record, I got up 3 different times while typing this, to let Apollo in as he so eloquently requested by scratching on my window and whining in a fashion similar to a hyena, so that he could change his mind each time i opened the door and stare at me like he didnt know why in God's green earth I would get up in the middle of a post... Oh the joys of being owned by your pet.)

So anyways I will return to the dog track for the last time next Wednesday (7 days and counting..)
to bring home my new 71 lb. bundle of love and vet bills and could not be more excited! In the mean time I have some very important decisions to make.


New couch cover?

New dog kennel?

Guess I'll just take it one squeaky toy at a time...


People often say motivation doesn't last, well neither does bathing. Thats why its recommended daily.

I'm beginning yet ANOTHER blog, in an attempt to motivate myself and actually become the "Gym Junkie" that I claim to be. I usually try to come up with at least 3 different ways of working out a week, so why not record it? Then in 2 months from now, instead of forcing myself back on the treadmill i can look back and say, hey that was fun lets do it again. 
Along with working out, I also love to cook and find new recipes. (Now you understand my obsession with the workouts, eh?) So to go along with my calorie expenditure, I will also be sharing the reason I allow my dog to drag me around the neighborhood and wrap me around every mailbox on our block.
He only looks cute, don't be deceived.

 But be warned, my recipes are usually the "low fat, low salt, low flavor" version and I tend to throw in random things in a fashion my roommate once referred to as "hybrid" cooking. So get excited, because I will be sharing with you the good, the burnt and the healthy. 
My "healthy" attempt at Pumpkin cupcakes with cream cheese icing and cinnamon twist: