
Counting Down!

3 Days until family Christmas at my cousins house!
4 Days until I get to see my best friend Laura who is coming back to Arkansas to visit!
8 Days until Christmas!
(can you tell which one im the most excited about? No offense Laura, haha)
Here i am in Aspen last year in my "murdered out" ski outfit. White Girl Thug Life 4eva!.. ok sorry..
i wont do that anymore..

I am beyond ready to hit the slopes again. I have been working out so hard this year and I am anxious to see how much easier snowboarding will be with these buns of steel (and by steel, i mean sugar encrusted marshmallows). So my goals until then are :

  1. run as much as possible and pray this helps acclimate me to the altitude change
  2. not ruin my diet by eating everything in the 50 mile radius on christmas day
  3. come up with the most awesome snowboarding playlist EVER 
  4. go on a quest to find my ski clothes that are more than likely being inhabited by hobbits in the underworld of my closet
  5. begin anabolic steroids in order to be able to pick up my suitcase while en route
  6. acquire the perfect airline outfit (i think its very important to be that highly fashionable, mysterious girl on the plane that everyone secretly hopes to sit by. i know i put entirely too much thought into this, and I'm okay with that. )
But in the meantime, I'm attempting to get my entire house completely organized and clean, so that when i return home on the 1st I can start the year off right. The only problem with this is I've had this entire week by myself while my roommate was on her honeymoon and so far all i've done is put up a shelf. What happened to the time?! So now I have tomorrow afternoon to do the entire thing. Typical me. At least I'll get some good cardio out of the whole ordeal! But while I spent an entire week doing nothing, I ordered these prints to put on the shelf above my bed (so HA! there's one project finished):

My New Years Resolution:
I don't usually do the whole "resolution thing", but this year I have a real concrete goal that I am going to complete. I've talked to several runners lately and tried to come up with a good distance to run in one year. It seems the most popular is 1000 miles. When i first heard this I was absolutely ready to run.. in the opposite direction. But I started doing the math, and its just over two miles a day. Considering I usually do at least 3 during each run, I really think I can do this. I had my evaluation with my boss this morning and he was an excellent motivator. He's part of the Ridge Rider Athletic Club and has lots of experience. He also works over cardiac rehab, so I will have someone to crawl to when I am at my wits end. I'm going to tell all of my students, friends, and family in an effort to gain motivation from anywhere possible. And of course my biggest motivators are my dogs, because they will more than likely tear my house apart without their daily exercise! And of course once I get my garmin watch I will want to put it to good use, so I'm really excited about that!
But right now i'm really excited about going to sleep!

1 comment:

nicole marie said...

just ran accross your blog and so random butttt have fun in breck! i went last year and will be there jan 5. such an amazing city and the mountains arent shabby either. my "friend-boy" lives there. i swear i never hear the end of it every day. haha. have fun!