
Snow Day (again!) & White Chili

I woke up this morning, before my alarm even went off, to a magnificent snow covered back yard... again! School and work are canceled and we're expecting to get up to a foot of snow, IN ARKANSAS! 

Brr! Doesn't it even look cold?!

I decided I would still go to work this morning, just because with the snow and sickness last week, I hadn't been since wednesday. I wanted to make sure everything was still intact. Its quite fascinating, all the things that can go awry in a gym with no attendant. 
On the way home I decided I would go by the grocery store and get some goodies just in case everything freezes over, cause we all know it would be so unlike me to be prepared. haha. 
Upset that I had left my entire pile of "recipes to try" on the kitchen table, I started looking through a pile of magazines I had in my car to take to to work for the cardio section. I found a very simple White Chili recipe in the February issue of All You

Step one:
Heat one tbsp of oil in skillet and cook chicken breast (I used 3)

Step two:
 Chop and Saute 2 onions and 4 cloves of garlic :



Step three:
Add all ingredients to slow cooker (*mine is too small so im cooking it in a big pasta pot on the stove)
2, 4 oz. cans of roasted green chilies

1 tbsp of Cumin, which i think smells like mexican restaurant dumpsters and arm pits.. but i wont argue with a recipe.. (for some reason this picture just WONT rotate.. sorry!)
also add:
-1 c water
- 2, 14 oz cans white beans
-4 c chicken broth (preferably low sodium)

Step four.. 
put the lid on, turn stove on low and wait...
for SIX hours..
(oh and stir twice during this time)

in the meantime, I am going to be making something all crafty and cool. Also, I bought the dogs busy bones and havent seen them in well over 30 minutes, so im off to investigate what they've gotten themselves into.  Pictures later, along with the chili review! Hope everyone enjoys their snow day!


surgery and cereal extravaganza!

Due to the fact that I have been asleep, pretty much consistently for the past two days, I am just now having the chance to update you on the recent happenings. Wednesday afternoon (3ish) I started feeling not so good. For those of you who don't follow me on twitter, I will copy and paste my posts as a timeline. Haha! As the afternoon went on, I started feeling worse and worse. Around 6 I went to go eat with my aunt. 
Tweet 1:
does not feel good :(


its only tuesday???

Todays Workout:
5 m run
arm day
Finally went to ASU's new fitness center. Here is my review. 
Parking: it would've been wise to have considered this when they built it. All of the parking i've found so far is either resident or faculty parking. Thanks to my blatant disrespect for ASU parking services I just parked in the dorm parking lot. If anyone knows where we are SUPPOSED to park, im taking suggestions, cause im starting to rack up the parking tickets this semester...oops
OK, Im going to rant for a minute. When I went in today the lady working at the desk (who barely spoke english) told me that I had to have a towel to go in, and so in seeing that I didn't have one she offered that i could use one of theirs for $2. TWO DOLLARS to rent a stinkin' towel?! Anyways, since my goal of the day was to get at least past the front desk I complied and told her to put it on my student account. Which she didn't know how to do. So i offered to go to my car and get two dollars cash to pay her. Apparently, they don't accept cash, so I would've had to walk to the union and pay someone in the offices. RIDICULOUS! 
After giving her the STANKIEST stank eye I could muster up, I walked back to my car and drove back to my house, you know the place where I have my own treadmill, and got a towel, so that I could turn around and drive all the way back. 
Finally I was back and allowed entry (ASU you're really not as special as you think you are, I promise.) and made my way to the fancy smancy treadmills I had been obsessing over since I first laid eyes on them.  
Of course, the only one not occupied was not only in, but directly facing the sun. But I was determined! 
It was completely worth it. This treadmill is THE treadmill of all treadmills. I had died and gone to ADHD runners heaven. I could push buttons the entire time and not get bored. 
Here is a screenshot I took from the website:

Sadly, I felt like a 3rd grader in graduate school trying to use this thing. I made a user account and logged in, by the way, my "password picture" is of a rabbit, in case I forget. I ended up doing three different "workouts" according to the log. All i know is if i pay thousands of dollars for a treadmill i better be able to listen to my ipod AND watch tv on it at the same time. But, sadly this isnt an option. However, I did get to charge my ipod and watch espn at the same time, so I was appeased for a short amount of time.  I was under the impression it was going to send my workout to my email, which didnt happen,  soo thats a battle for another day. 

The past few days north Arkansas has had a plethora of snow, and of course same as last year, everyone was completely under-prepared which means SNOW DAYS! I got off school and work Friday and Monday . My house is seriously cleaner than it was when i moved in. And all of my homework is done. Its very weird not having a never-ending to do list. So I think tonight I'm going to give the dogs a bath and maybe stare at the wall for a bit. Wee! 


my pilgrimage... or something like that

This morning I went "rucksacking" for my first time with my friends Jason and Zach. What an experience. Thank you Jason for truly verifying the fact that I am indeed not cut out for the military.

Anyone that picks up rocks (like the size of your head) and puts them in a backpack to go for a run is obviously a masochist. However, I know I am made for running because I had an awesome time and can't wait to go again. We went to the park here and did the trails that go thru the woods.

I attempted to take a picture of my watch, its a little blurry tho. For you non-garmin users, we went 4.13 miles in 1 hr 30 min. Seems so slow, but when you've got an extra 30 pounds on your back it really makes a difference.

To say that I chose the wrong type of shoes, would quite possibly be the understatement of the century. It has rained stormed here for the past few nights and the trails are pretty muddy, to say the least..

I also could've used a different pair of pants..
but im absolutely not complaining!
(jeez, someone could benefit from some self tanner, or SOMETHING)
That was by far the best full body workout I've had since high school. So now I'm on a quest for new shoes. Would I be looking for hiking shoes? Trail shoes? I have no idea..
But I know this is my new favorite workout. For sure.
Oh and just for kicks and giggles, some of the quotes from the trip:
"Forty pounds doesn't seem that heavy"
3 miles later:
"I think Satan is riding in my backpack"
"My only choices here are the ice capades or thorn bushes"
"woah slip 'n slide!" followed by..
"haha crocodile mile!"
"I thought I was gonna get yelled at by a beaver back there"
"Busted out my ninja warrior skills just then"
"Thats not gay, its teamwork"
"dang i left my snorkel at home.."

Anyways, just wanted to share that experience. Im off to "do homework" (play guitar). Ive decided I want a new one for my birthday. Needy little thing, arent I?
I've had my eye on this one for a while.
and for anyone who cares, you can see/hear it being played here:
 want to buy it for me? ill love you forever!!!


wee weekend!

I'm so glad its the weekend and I am staying home! I love to travel, but these past few months have worn me out completely! School is really starting to pick up lately and I have to study all the time also, which makes me a boring blogger. Im taking two online classes and I HATE it. I thought we paid teachers to teach us, not sit at home and upload tests onto a website. Call me weird, but I would much rather actually go to class than have to read the entire chapter, cause lets face it, all those books I spend sooo much money on every semester never actually get used. I should get to sell mine back for full price.

Yesterday I had some free time and decided to cook. I realize I said this blog would involve cooking in the beginning, and then it was like i forgot how to use a kitchen, making only sandwiches and cereal for two months straight. But a few hours after running, hunger hit me harder than one of Ronnies fist pumps

so I went to my lonely little kitchen and had NO FOOD. With no other option, I began hybrid cooking. I really think I should copyright that phrase.. maybe they'd give me my own show on The Food Network
Hybrid Cooking with Hillary
"Making a halfway decent tasting meal out of absolutely nothing"
...nevermind.. i don't think i would even watch that show, and I watch Jersey Shore if that tells you anything about my tv viewing standards.
Armed with my cookie monster deflector and silly string shooting bazooka, I traveled to the depths of my cabinets and found enough essentials to make quiche

Are you ready?
...i dont think you're ready..
prepare yourself...
The worlds largest PIZAA ROLL

...ok that picture looks kinda gross..
but I PROMISE it was good.
If I would've had any fillers like cheese or pepperoni it might've been my new favorite
"Jiffy Pizza Crust Mix" recipe.. but so far Madaline's stromboli still holds the record. I'm very upset because no matter how many times I try I just cant replicate hers. Mine is still good, but its just not the same. I don't understand. But anyways, since I have spent all of my recent income on heartworm pills, school books, gas money and other boring but necessary expenses, I will be living on these two things and special K until thursday.
Speaking of expenses, my dogs have a new hobby I like to call synchronized sleeping. They started doing this when I picked them up from boarding when I went to Colorado.

(look at all those toys in the floor, its like having toddlers living with me...at least they didnt one of my bras this time..)
and again.. in case you weren't impressed with the first one, they did a formation change for you.
why do they do this? so peculiar...

Ok, its time to talk about the thing I've been putting off. You're going to be so disappointed in me. I am sooo behind on my new years resolution. I mean soo ooo oo behind. Once I got my Garmin I became a snotty little running brat. I decided i was too good to run on a treadmill, but it was WAY to cold to run outside.. well maybe not WAY to cold, but I dont really have the right clothes to run in sub freezing weather. So I chose the WORST option ever and just didn't run at all.
I know.
I'm so ashamed.
So at this point I'm at 15.02/1000.
And seven of that was done on thursday. That puts me 48.23 miles behind schedule. OMG. I'm so not happy about this. But I still have 11 more months so I have plenty of time to catch up. And the past three days I have been doing really well, so i just need to keep it up. Im trying to get motivation from anywhere I can. Today I was supposed to go "ruck?" with a couple of my guy friends. I think we were going to do six miles, but decided not to because its going to rain. But i looked at the weather and we're under a wind advisory with 21-26 mph gusts of wind. JEEZ! I would rather run under just about any condition except wind. For me, it makes it soo much harder. I ran at the park here the other day and it was pretty windy and I remembered how much i hated it. I should've sold tickets for that run. I bet it wouldve been very entertaining to watch because it had rained the night before and the trail is a gravel/dirt/concrete mix. I ended up skipping around like the dang Nike fairy jumping over streams and mud puddles. Im still bleaching out the mud spots up the back of my shirt. Lesson learned.
But I'm planning on getting in at least 5 miles today and catching up as soon as I can. Wish me luck!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Breck, in pictures!

We flew out of the Memphis Airport into Denver and from there drove the two hours to Breckenridge. I had just driven this in March, but its still so exciting when you're first entering all the mountains. It was pretty sunny the whole time we were there, so I got some decent pics of the scenery.

Mom and Sara at Coppetop, a resturaunt/bar, where we spent the majority of our time when not on the mountain.

Waiting in line for the lift. This was the first year we've ever gone the week after christmas, and it will probably be the last. I had never seen lines this long in my life! And Sara's hat. It was too adorable and if I could get away with wearing bunny ears on any day aside from halloween, i'd wear them every single day of my life.

This was the view from our room. We were on the inside, facing town instead of the mountain, but it wasnt too bad, because there was always something going on pretty much anywhere you looked.

They had this in the cafe one morning and I HAD to get a picture. Now thats my kinda coffee pot. This poor man didnt speak english and thought we wanted to take his picture and smiled so big.

Mom and I on New Years Eve. I hung out with the oldies for a bit, and then went upstairs to the more "dancy" party and made some friends a little closer to my age.

But met these guys on my way up:

My new years shirt adds about 70 pounds in every picture, so naturally, i burned it when i got home. But this picture was just way too good to delete. The dj at the downstairs party set off the fire alarms with his fog machine (um yeah, he was that cool..not), so the fire department came. And by fire department, i mean every greek adonis known to man kind. The girls in the bar were actually screaming "take it off!" .. which the fire marshall didnt find very funny. And i don't know why i wore that hat in the picture. Poor assessment on my part.

Anyways, this was a really awesome trip. I was so excited because I snowboarded my first black. I had skiied one before (ski: slide down the mountain on your butt with entirely too many accessories awkwardly hanging from your body, causing you to jam, twist or sprain something every 10 feet), but I enjoy snowboarding alot more, so I'll more than likely never touch a ski again.

Headed to the gym. Next blog:
-new years resolution
-possible surprise trip this weekend?


I'm Back!

Oh my goodness. Did you think I forgot you? I most certainly did not! Everytime I check my email I look at that little shortcut up at the top that says "blog" and think "Oh, I'll do it later"... not anymore! It has snowed here for the past two days and I have done... you guessed it.. absolutely nothing. So now I'm in the "antiprocastination/don't waste time/get stuff done kinda mood".
I've decided, instead of writing a novel, I will share the past three weeks with you in pictures. Beginning with...
Christmas! We went to my cousin's house a few days early because her parents were going to florida. Me & my sister:

I'm very proud that I got her to actually smile in some pictures because she usually makes all of these ridiculous "scene kid" faces and I tell her to visit
haha but i love her anyways.
Before opening presents:

After opening presents:

Yes, it really was exhausting work, but someone's got to do it. I'm just glad we could help.
I really racked up in the present department this year. I don't know why, but I guess everyone thought I was extra good! My grandmother got me a crockpot (yay!), a cast iron skillet (im afraid of it, but that will be a blog all on its own) , new dish towels, and a red sweatsuit that I picked out when I went shopping with her ( I mean that IS the best way to get presents. No surprise there!) My aunt bought me a new coffee pot with a clock on it. I wanted this to help me get out of bed in the morning, I assumed it would be easier if there was already a pot of coffee calling my name. The first day I set it, I got a steaming hot pot of coffee at 7 p.m. sharp. Lovely. And the second day, I got none at all. But the battle rages on and I will continue trying. I shall keep my faith in the epic morning I wake up to my coffeepot servant, waiting on me, hand-in-hand with the sugar free vanilla caramel creamer. I shall keep the faith.
For christmas eve I went to my parents house. That night we each got to open one present.
Guess what mine was?!

I finally got my Garmin! Soooo excited! And so I spent the entirety of christmas eve staring at my wrist. I even got up and ran on christmas morning just so I could use it! And returned home with windburnt fingers. But it was totally worth it!
Every year my mom makes my sister and I get together to take a picture before we open our presents. These pictures are ALWAYS horrible. There is no reason anyone should have a camera within a 50 mile radius of me before a shower and a cup of coffee. But in light of the Christmas spirit, I begrudgingly let her take this one picture ever year.
This year's tops the chart, by far.

There ya go mom. There's your christmas pic. Cell phones in hand. Not even looking at the camera. Practically a Normal Rockwell moment, if i do say so myself. After we opened presents, we went back to Jonesboro and visited the grandparents. By this point I was pretty pictured out. Next blog: snowboarding trip and new years resolution. But school starts monday and I've got lots to do today!