I'm so glad its the weekend and I am staying home! I love to travel, but these past few months have worn me out completely! School is really starting to pick up lately and I have to study all the time also, which makes me a boring blogger. Im taking two online classes and I HATE it. I thought we paid teachers to teach us, not sit at home and upload tests onto a website. Call me weird, but I would much rather actually go to class than have to read the entire chapter, cause lets face it, all those books I spend sooo much money on every semester never actually get used. I should get to sell mine back for full price.
Yesterday I had some free time and decided to cook. I realize I said this blog would involve cooking in the beginning, and then it was like i forgot how to use a kitchen, making only sandwiches and cereal for two months straight. But a few hours after running, hunger hit me harder than one of Ronnies fist pumps
so I went to my lonely little kitchen and had NO FOOD. With no other option, I began hybrid cooking. I really think I should copyright that phrase.. maybe they'd give me my own show on
The Food Network
Hybrid Cooking with Hillary
"Making a halfway decent tasting meal out of absolutely nothing"
...nevermind.. i don't think i would even watch that show, and I watch Jersey Shore if that tells you anything about my tv viewing standards.
Armed with my cookie monster deflector and silly string shooting bazooka, I traveled to the depths of my cabinets and found enough essentials to make quiche
Are you ready?
...i dont think you're ready..
prepare yourself...
The worlds largest PIZAA ROLL
...ok that picture looks kinda gross..
but I PROMISE it was good.
If I would've had any fillers like cheese or pepperoni it might've been my new favorite
"Jiffy Pizza Crust Mix" recipe.. but so far Madaline's stromboli still holds the record. I'm very upset because no matter how many times I try I just cant replicate hers. Mine is still good, but its just not the same. I don't understand. But anyways, since I have spent all of my recent income on heartworm pills, school books, gas money and other boring but necessary expenses, I will be living on these two things and special K until thursday.
Speaking of expenses, my dogs have a new hobby I like to call synchronized sleeping. They started doing this when I picked them up from boarding when I went to Colorado.
(look at all those toys in the floor, its like having toddlers living with me...at least they didnt one of my bras this time..)
and again.. in case you weren't impressed with the first one, they did a formation change for you.
why do they do this? so peculiar...
Ok, its time to talk about the thing I've been putting off. You're going to be so disappointed in me. I am sooo behind on my new years resolution. I mean soo ooo oo behind. Once I got my Garmin I became a snotty little running brat. I decided i was too good to run on a treadmill, but it was WAY to cold to run outside.. well maybe not WAY to cold, but I dont really have the right clothes to run in sub freezing weather. So I chose the WORST option ever and just didn't run at all.
I know.
I'm so ashamed.
So at this point I'm at 15.02/1000.
And seven of that was done on thursday. That puts me 48.23 miles behind schedule. OMG. I'm so not happy about this. But I still have 11 more months so I have plenty of time to catch up. And the past three days I have been doing really well, so i just need to keep it up. Im trying to get motivation from anywhere I can. Today I was supposed to go "ruck?" with a couple of my guy friends. I think we were going to do six miles, but decided not to because its going to rain. But i looked at the weather and we're under a wind advisory with 21-26 mph gusts of wind. JEEZ! I would rather run under just about any condition except wind. For me, it makes it soo much harder. I ran at the park here the other day and it was pretty windy and I remembered how much i hated it. I should've sold tickets for that run. I bet it wouldve been very entertaining to watch because it had rained the night before and the trail is a gravel/dirt/concrete mix. I ended up skipping around like the dang Nike fairy jumping over streams and mud puddles. Im still bleaching out the mud spots up the back of my shirt. Lesson learned.
But I'm planning on getting in at least 5 miles today and catching up as soon as I can. Wish me luck!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!