
Renovation: Endings & Beginnings: In That Order

The time has come, as I have promised to the few friends that come here, for me to reclaim my place in the blogging world. I fell away from blogging while finishing my degree because, well lets face it: studying and eating only microwaveables and takeout just doesn't make for a very inspirational blog. So here I am, degree in hand and nothing but plans for the future. To catch up the few of you that I don't text on a secondly basis, lets review the past few months:

-In August I graduated from Arkansas State with my bachelors in Exercise Science.
-I enrolled in Yoga Teacher Training through the Yoga Circle Shala and am just starting to learn what yoga is really all about.That will be a whole post - or series of posts- of its own. I'm 50 hours into my 200 hour certification. 
-Thanks to a good but unexpected friend (that's where the best ones come from anyways huh?) I started tumbling over mildly bumpy terrain and feeling like a boss for it  mountain biking.
- Traveled to the Bahamas twice. Swam with sharks (wild ones, at night, at Treasure Cay. No amount of Shark Week will prepare you for that...).
- Went snowboarding a few times and can now confidently board a blue run. By myself, because my entire family refuses to get off the green and bunny slopes.
-Worked an internship in cardiac rehab and non invasive cardiology, which further proved to me that I need not bother applying for a clinical job. *Faints*
-Joined Pinterest. you might not think that qualifies as a big enough event to make the list, but if I'm honest about how much time i spend looking at all the random pretties, then yeah... i have to include it..

I'm sure there are many many things I'm forgetting but I'm not exactly a picture taker so my scrapbooking consists of me saying "hey remember that time we...?" 
Which brings me to why I am here. A lot of things are going to be changing in my life with my completion of college and leap into the real world. I want to keep my closest friends, who now live farther away from me than anyone, up to date. Also this will be a place for me to ask questions, rhetorical and to my readers, and coming back here will be a nice way to look back on the lessons we've learned. One of biggest ways yoga has changed my life is by teaching me to always live with inquiry, especially with an unbiased view point. Since I am so random I've decided to keep one occurring trend with this blog. With every entry I will ask a question, because as long as we keep asking we'll never stop learning. So keeping in fashion with today's thoughts, let me ask you: Why is it we do the the things we do? Is it because they make us happy? Are we mindful of our actions and do we perform them with purpose? Imagine how productive we can be if we can always act with purpose.

1 comment:

Madaline said...

i'm glad your back.

sometimes i do things because i'm told too.

i don't always enjoy what i'm doing.

i do enjoy doing the things i do because i want to do them.
